heyy! i'm officially 13 now! yaay <3 haven't got a lot of presents. but my mom said we'll be throwing a party next week! And I got a lot of birthday greetings from Twitter, Facebook, and MSN PM's! Some of my school friends greet me happy birthday too :)
AND MY SISTER IS THE FIRST ONE TO GREET ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! She texted me on 00.02 [she's in malaysia.... dunno if that's in malaysia or here... but never mind! she's the first =]]
and yeah, i'm gonna make a small dedication for them!! :D it means a lot to me!
Happy birthday sweetie!I can't believe I remembered but I wrote it down on my calender :D You have a beautiful day ok hon. -@SelenaCrystalis
happy birthday nadia. wish u all the best -@vanakoestoer
Happy bday Nadya :) -@DhevyJazz
happy belated birthday, nadyaaa. <3 -@shawtyyx
happy birthday @vindicatedx!! -@Jasmineshfr
happy birthday dear nad! -@gceygitha
Happy birthday @vindicatedx! -@mungilo
happy birthday @vindicatedx -@denisapinandita
Very Belated greeting to @vindicatedx happy birthday bb, semoga sukses terus. -@shoft312
joyeoux anniversaire @vindicatedx :3 -@ulfaulfaa
sorry if i missed any of you yaa
i got TOO much of them, so I'm just going to write your names. if you want me to write your name just ask me =)
1. Kak Nabila Rizkia
2. Meyfitha Dea Khairunnisa
3. Ayu Dinastity
4. Fanny Madani
5. Irsya Nur Tri Wulandari Kurniadi
6. Kak Amanda Dara Susilo
7. Nisa Adlina Sharfina
8. Fariz ZaanZaan
9. Melissa Siciliano
10. Hergita Syi Vadilla
11. Kak Lutfi Rinlestari
12. Afif Shidqi Ashari
13. Desi Kencana Putri
14. Dea Cassiefvlpshihiwol SuperHuman [ribet -__-]
15. Kak Diandra Dindarania
16. Parina Lachlandani
17. Kak Riesca Indriyani
18. Vira Harharah
19. Ariane Surya Wardhani
20. Kak Amanda Cynantia Sandri
21. Kak Sara Yunira Sari
22. Shania Safira
23. Arsya Nafisa
24. Anna MoechNica Hasana
25. Adinda Nafiza Laksmi
26. Adriani Safitri
27. Jazlyn Melody Sudarsono
28. Danil Alamsyah
29. Annisa Silvy Andina
30. Kak Devienda Arviana
31. Riana Yulianti
32. Syara Fina
33. Kak Githa Aulia Azzahra
34. Kak Brenda Gracia
35. Nia Annafianti
36. Alifah C Noer
37. Rizkiyani Nadifa Puteri
38. Ulfa Pratiwi
39. Becky Biddick
40. Mbak Adlyne Gitadianti Lumy
41. Naomi Noviyanti
42. Besyandi Mufti
43. Rio Yuwono
44. Rahel Narda Chaterine
45. Qotrun Nada
46. Kak Ima Yunita Ramadhani
47. Kak Adriani Putri
48. Bella Lorenza
49. Annisa Nurul Andiani
50. Kak Avilla Adisty Putri
51. Mutiara Ratu Bilqist Printhalia
52. Danielle Borrie
53. Celina Clarissa Irwandy
54. Rifqa Kamila
55. Andrina Nathania
56. Gita Amalia
57. Meuthia Irza Miranda
58. Maria Pauline
59. Jasmin Permatadewi Gandaatmadja
60. Deasy Vie Hamid
61. Marsela Arnanda
62. Sarah Sauzan Alatas
63. Safira Damayanti
64. Hadana Aulia Firdausi Rangkuti
65. Ressy Amalia
66. Tya Astri
67. Indra Yudhistira
68. Reffy Maulana
69. Bia Annisa
70. Disha Swariandini
71. Roos Eliza Putri
72. Hanifah Prihantari
73. Kak Ayu Rachmawaty
74. Mutiara Ayu Lestari
75. Hardiantika Dwi Astri
76. Mbak Dinda Aneswari
77. Kak Pia Basuki
78. Kak Puput Yuanita Kawamura
79. Tante Rahayu Rayasti
80. Eureka Tristania Maharani
81. Revana Ramyanda Koestoer
82. Dewi Andita Sari
83. Magdalena Manurung
84. Bethavinia Nurputranti
85. Kak Menur Septarani
86. Ananda Jasmine
87. Kak Sheira Syafira
88. Nita Ayudiyanti
89. Kak Dilla
90. Ceniza Adjani
91. Seira Diwama Cathelina
92. Chintya Putri Handayani
93. Intan Anggraini
94. Kak Lilo Fahdzyana
95. Wendi Yusuf Aminy
96. Tante Sisca Santoso
97. Debora Kezia
98. Kak Diah Amalia
99. Putri Andina
100. Defri Nathaniel
101. Tante Ike Kusdiaty
102. Tante Tini Soeherlan
103. Vandani Kencana Putri
104. MY MOM!!
105. Nelaa Karliana
106. Kak Marini Fabiano
107. Dita Ayu Lestari
108. Irma Chaerunisyah
109. Andi Dinanti
110. Kak Rio Susanto
111. Thania Putri
112. Kak Fatimatuz Zahra Rasyidi
113. Kak Andriani Widiastuti
114. Kak Karina S Faradilla
115. Namira Aziza Nasution
116. Maria Naomi Sinambela
117. Nur Muhammad Karim
118. Angela Melati Ratna Hapsari
119. Rifqah Alsami Fitrananda
120. Shayna Ramos
hwaahh that's a lot, well THANK YOU!
dan makasih buat cut sabila iken nadia jasmine sasha yang pagi-pagi baru dateng udah nyelamatin ultah di sekolah!!! hehe iloveyoufull! DAN SEMUANYA!! makasih yawwchh
Friday, November 6, 2009
BIRDday haha
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
gue punya hobi dan hobi gue itu ngumpulin quotes ye haha dan ini beberapa quotes favorit guee.
gue juga bikin beberapa tapi gak gue show disini abisnya jeleek haha
gue suka baca quotes tentang cinta dan motivasi :)
motivational quotes
I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.
-Og Mandino
"There is the difference between happiness and wisdom, that he that thinks himself the happiest man really is so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool." Charles Caleb Colton
"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled." Barack Obama
"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win." Bernadette Devlin
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan
"What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great person is one who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." Ralph Waldo Emerson
love quotes
"How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?" Albert Einstein
"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." Carl Jung
"Infantile love follows the principle: "I love because I am loved."
Mature love follows the principle: "I am loved because I love."
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."
Mature love says: "I need you because I love you."" Erich Fromm
"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace." Dalai Lama
"Your body needs to be held and to hold, to be touched and to touch. None of these needs is to be despised, denied, or repressed. But you have to keep searching for your body's deeper need, the need for genuine love. Every time you are able to go beyond the body's superficial desires for love, you are bringing your body home and moving toward integration and unity." Henri Nouwen
"Love is like pi - natural, irrational, and very important." Lisa Hoffman
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Things NOT to do when you have a problem.
Ini pernah ya, tapi gue ulang lagi so I'll make myself clear!
1. Ngehindarin.
Need I say more? Ngehindarin gabakal nyelesein masalah, justru malah bisa aja lo nyesel lo gak ngelewatin masalah itu. Masalah bikin lo lebih kuat! Mungkin nambah stres, tapi.... INGET! Lo harus ngelewatin itu
2. Negative thinking.
Ini juga gaperlu dijelasin lagi, lo BENER-BENER gaboleh! Kalo lo udah setres ato panik duluan. Lo gak bakal bisa mikir dengan jernih, pikiran lo malah terpusat ke masalah lo, bukan ke cara nyelesainnya. Tenang, dan pikir dengan kepala dingin caranya!
3. Insult.
Apalagi kalo ngatainnya di fb ato twitter! Waduh, pengecut banget lo. Kesel boleh, tapi kalo udah ngata-ngatain di tempat umum......JANGAN! Mendingan curhat atau tulis di tempat yang nggak seluruh dunia bakalan tau.
4. Ganggu privasi orang
Misalnya buka smsnya tanpa ijin, coba buka-buka fb atau twitternya, untuk ngeliat hal-hal jahat yang mereka bilang ke elo. Hey, emangnya lo mau digituin? Sms itu privasi loh, jadi jangan pernah buka-buka. Justru malah kalo lo emang nemuin hal yang mereka bilang ke elo, bisa bikin lo sakit hati dan malah ngelakuin hal-hal yang sebenarnya gak boleh lo lakuin!
5. Turn to drugs/alcohol.
Tolong banget, jangan. Silahkan teriak-teriak, tulis hal-hal jahat tentang dia, tapi jangan coba make. Ini sama aja lo memperparah keadaan.........udahlah gausah gue tulis lagi akibatnya
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
cuma butuh waktu sebulan untuk nyadar kalo dia tuh brengsek uouo~~ yaay
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 1:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
You are Yellow Raccoon, who is innocent and depends on people.
You are also amiable and graceful.
You tend to take passive attitude with gentle and modest ways of expression.
You are well liked by both men and women.
You listen to others well, and try to adapt to them.
This makes you feel your emotions are being opressed, and therefore you may suffer mentally.
Unlike your modesty, you hate being restricted.
You want to do whatever you like, and when you like.
You are rather temperament, and are emotionally delicate.
You have great artistic sense, and if you come in touch especially with traditional and ancient things, fortune will smile on you.
It may be good to make museum tours as your hobby.
You are not good at housework; you prefer to work on something you like.
When you get to the middle ages, you may take an interest in spiritual world.
You may experience great change in life.
You live your life steadily, so you shouldn't rush into things.
You have strong motherly feelings, and people depend on you a lot.
After getting married, you will keep your house well.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
gue heran udah lama ya gue pdkt sama dia tapi kok belom nembak jugaa? aneh lu -_- hem udah ah bloggy gue sabar aja deh yaa ntar gue juga tau dia mau ama gue ato kaga haha
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:47 AM 0 comments
gue udah delete beberapa posts gue yang sangatlah suram dan depresi, huehue. soalnya gue udah punya buku buat nulis hal-hal itu!! =D gaperlu lagi membiarkan seluruh dunia tau =D uauauauaaaa
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Oke gue lagi mood ngepost nih haha, nah gue mau nulis hal-hal yang gue pengenin :D
yah inilah hape yang gue pengenin, soalnya bisa ubertwitter!! maklum pecinta twitter huehue. terus keypad nya qwerty makanya gue pengen banget. dan gue kan suka foto-foto gapenting tuh nah abis difoto bisa langsung dimasukin ke fb jadi seru kaan. internet Curve sih lemote tapi yah......ini yang kira-kira bokap bisa afford hehe. DOAIN GUE MENANG LOMBA B.INGGRIS YA!! biar bokap mau beliin. gak janjiin sih dia tapi pengen surprise aja biar dia bisa tau kalo gue berhak dapetin ini ayeey
BISA WIFI!! AYEEY~ kakak gue minta dibeliin ini sih fufufu~~
gue tuh suka banget baca!! hehe. makanya gue mau buku-buku gt dec biar gue tambah pinter dan nambah wawasan. gue gacape loh baca, asalkan gak bosenin haha
gue pengen bangeet punya badan lentuuur, hem guenya males olahraga sih haha. abis kalo olahraga gue gasuka banget dipaksain, misalnya lari harus cepet blablabla yah gue sih bisa lari sendiri tapi siapa yang nemenin? heem, pokoknya gue pengen punya badan lentur!! biar bisa senam ehehe
sebodo teuing lah mau eksis mau kaga, mau lebih tua atau lebih muda, yang penting gue mau punya banyak temen! dan gasuka mt kayak si blahblahblahdoobeedoo uouo
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:29 AM 0 comments
What I want to be and do before I die
oke jadi gue mau jelasin gue mau jadi apa kalo udah gede sama apa yang mau gue lakuin sebelom meninggal!! *wallahu alam, tapi gue punya keinginan*
hem jadi gue tuh impian gue banyak yaa, mau jadi pesenam lah, detektif lah, artis lah, penyanyi lah, guru lah, itu lah ini lah haha. tapi gue tau kok arah hidup gue mau kemana.
jadi gue tuh pengen banget jadi PENULIS!! dulu gue suka nulis fiksi gt ya haha sampe sekarang sih gue suka ngayal gt WAKAKAK tapi gue kayaknya lebih jago nulis non-fiksi.
Makanya ntar gue mau nulis buku soal relationship advice!! Hehe gue sih belom pernah pacaran but I've seen them and I've learned from them :) terus bestseller gitu deh dan dijadiin film, terus guenya jadi penulis skenario dan ngalahin harry potter HAHA oke itu ngayal ketinggian -,-
terus gue PENGEN skydiving!! wawawaaa kayaknya seru tuh~~ terus juga pengen bungee jumping!! kalo bisa dari tempat bungee jumping tertinggi sedunia yaitu di Macau Tower hehe. Sama gue pengen bangeeet keliling dunia!! Pengen ketemu Taylor Lautner terus gue juga pengen beliin sesuatu yang mahal ke seseorang pake duit gue sendiri ehehe
terus ini target jangka pendek!! gue pengen naik kelas, lulus UAN, keterima di labschool atau 6 atau 82, sama punya pacar pertama dan very first date fufufu~~
Terus gue pengen ikutan lomba B.Inggris dan sampe ke tingkat nasional!! AMIEN
yah doain moga moga kesampean yaaa!
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Overcoming a broken heart
Buat yang baru diputusin pacar, cinta gak berbalas.... atau apalah masalah dengan lovelife elo, daripada cuma nangis meratapi hidup lo yang *menurut lo* suram, mendingan move on! Ini tips dari gue, cliche but works for me :]
1. Talk about it.
Ceritain semuanya ke temen lo apa yang lo rasain. Pokoknya cerita SELENGKAP-LENGKAPNYA! Inget, cari temen yang mau dengerin dan temen yang lo percaya dan selalu dukung lo. Jangan sama asal orang!!
2. Write about it.
Jangan tulis di dunia maya!! Ntar orang bisa liat. Tulis aja di journal kalian pake tulisan gede-gede. Terserah mau nulis apa. Mau ngatain kek, mau apalah itu tulis aja! [This works for me!].
3. Sing your heart out!
Nyanyi lagu putus mungkin untuk beberapa orang mungkin bisa bikin hati ngerasa tenang. Tapi jangan nyanyi lagu yang ngingetin kamu sama dia! Ntar malah inget lagi.
4. Say NO to retail therapy/food therapy!
Retail therapy only makes your wallet empty, food therapy only makes you gain weight. Jadi jangan pernah coba opsi ini!!
5. Say NO to drugs/alcohol
It's a NO with a big N and O!!!!!!!! Gausah gue jelasin lagi kenapa lo gaboleh melakukan ini, malah JANGAN SAMPE KEBERSIT DI PIKIRAN LO UNTUK MAKE!!
6. Doa
Instead of cursing and swearing, mungkin ini the BEST OPTION yang harus lo coba. Buat yang muslim, wudhu, shalat. Kalau udah shalat wajib, shalat sunnah aja, terserah mau apaan. Atau baca Al-Quran dan bertasbih. Dijamin hati bakalan tenang
7. Move on!!
The medicines to a broken heart are time and friends, but mostly time.
Sementara itu, buang jauh-jauh pikiran that you're not worth dating!! Jangan pikir kalau dia itu irreplaceable. Tolong ya diinget kalo disana ada your own version of Prince Charming, dan lo gabisa langsung dapetin dia, lo harus ngerasain sakit hati dulu. Inget!!!!!!! Sakit hati itu bagian dari elo grow up! Bahkan celebrity se-famous Nicole Kidman dulu pasti pernah ngerasain kayak elo, nangis karena lovelife kurang memuaskan, sampe akhirnya ketemu Keith Urban dan punya anak perempuan yang cantik! Okaay?!
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You know what blinds me?
can't get him out of my head! Somebody distract me please :'(
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Gampang banget ya untuk...
komplain soal masalah sendiri?
ngomongin orang?
mentingin diri sendiri?
ketawa diatas penderitaan orang lain?
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Akhir-akhir blog post gue depresi ato kesel.......yah kalo misalnya rasa kesel gue itu ga cukup buat gue ungkapin di twitter pasti blog gue yang jadi korban.
Kalo misalnya gue nulis soal nasihat, gue bakal terkesan menggurui.
Kalo misalnya gue nulis soal current issues, gue bakal terkesan sok tau.
Intinya...... gue takut orang gak segan sama hal yang gue tulis
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:09 AM 0 comments
You.... you.... know what i hate?
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
i missed writing.
i want to write.
but when i'm writing.
all i'm writing is some fucking problems.
i don't want to complain anything, and i don't want to be a fool.
i just want to live my life.
....and i don't give a shit to people who don't want me to.
P.S: I'm not attracted to South Asians and Middle Eastern people. I hope that does not make me a racist.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: blank
Friday, October 2, 2009
A Letter to Al Gore
[This is for Al Gore in my school, not Al Gore the Nobel Prize winner and environment hero]
Hey Al Gore, one word to describe you: LIFELESS. You don't know how much Angela Weber and I hate you. We hate you with a passion, because you just want the attention. Yes, we're not as smart as you, but just so you know there are a lot of smarter people out there but they spoke for the world, and you? FOR THE ATTENTION! I am QUITE sure as hell that you know that your invention is stupid and so.......... unimportant! Hell, you're calling yourself a professor! What a big, fat
narcissistic person you are! Isaac Newton [again, it's someone in my school] is WAY smarter than you and he acts like he's a normal person just like everybody! He is thankful for his marks, he works harder to get better grades but he's still thankful to God. Face the truth, honeybee--he is DIFFERENT. And you're also a big, fat, judging person and acts like, "Man, I have to study, no time to relax!". Which is SUCKS and don't represent your smart attitude at all. Wait, you're a smart person with no attitude!
YOU HAVE NO LIFE. You are just like those damn celebrities who seeks for the attention! Yep, you work hard, but you're such a showoff! You think that everybody loves you but they talk to you behind your back! You gotta accept that as a truth!
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hello :]
It's been quite a while since my last post.
Twitter distracts me, you know? Haha.
And there are a few personal reasons why I don't tweet so much anymore, can't tell you, not even my friends.
This isn't goodbye, though.
I lost my writing mood a lot lately, I comment on current issues but not so much anymore. I don't feel like writing my feelings, well it works to decrease my stress and it makes me feel a little bit better, but now? Once I write something, I felt like, "Okay, it's done. Uh... okay." Nothing! I felt nothing! I don't know why. The first time I wrote a blog, I said to myself, "Okay, I gotta write something new each day!". Well, it turns out as a promise I can't keep. So... yeah.
I don't tweet a lot anymore. Usually I tweet about something interesting or memorable that happened on an event or where I go to. But, now...when I had something that I want to write in mind, but when it comes to let it all out in 140 chars, then boom, end of story, nothing to tweet. Seriously, I don't know.
Well... there you go. Again, got nothin in mind.
And follow me on twitter IF YOU LIKE. I know I'm boring.
PS: Oh, and I'm over him. It's not about a girl this time. It's about me, knowing that he's not the one for me. Thanks for being such a great friend. I'll never forget you, that's for sure.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
jai ho!
lol idk why did i choose that as a title -,- okay forget about the title. i don't update a lot because i'm addicted to twitter, i even wrote twitter a love letter ahha creepy -,-
well i have holiday for almost 3 weeks which is a long time and i srsly don't know what to do, well at least i didn't get to "mudik" but there are going to be a few boring family gathering -__- idk why i hate family gathering. well for this lebaran i wish i got lots of angpaooo ehehe
well i srsly don't know what to post so bye-bye bloggies :D
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Dear Twitter,
I love you so much. I can’t seem to go on a day without you. You're like a drug to me. You are the place where I get inspirations.
Before I joined Twitter, my English skill was lame. And I used to write freaky things. And I stopped writing. But Twitter makes me write again and again.
Twitter is the place where I share all my ideas and thoughts. It’s more than just, “What are you doing?”. It’s so much more than that, beyond that question. I don’t care if no one cares about it, because writing for the attention is just so lame. I love writing, even though there’s no money I will make. You make me stay up until 1 am just to write tweets. I didn’t take any coffee, didn’t take long naps, but I’m awake because of you.
Some people in my school are too lazy to open Twitter because it’s not fun. For me, it is. You meant so much for me Twitter.
Someday, if I write my own book or there’s a profile of me in a newspaper or magazine, I will definitely write about you Twitter. And I will never forget that you kept my writing spark alive.
Your biggest fan,
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
What I don't want in a boyfriend
okay i know this isn't important tapi baca aja ya
1. Abusive. yang suka bentak-bentak, hufft males banget deh apalagi udah main tangan... langsung P-U-T-U-S
2. Pelit. MUAHAHAHA!! bukannya gue matre ya tapi males aja pacaran ato temenan sama orang yang pelit. kalo keseringan jalan terus gamau jalan sih gapapa, tapi paling males tuh jalan sama orang yang mikir jalan-jalan ngeluarin duit dikit itu pemborosan kayak itu tuuuuh haha
3. Lebay dan gombal. Sorry ya, tapi gue gasuka sama orang yang kata-katanya manisss sekali kayak es krim kasih meses (?). yah kalo ga muji sama sekali sih gue juga gamau tapi ya gitu deh
itu dulu yaa i'll edit this post lat-ahh!
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
Monday, September 7, 2009
jacob black ♥
no it's not about jacob black from twilight, i love him but that's a nickname i gave to my crush. yayayaaa i'm lazy to tell stuffs about him, i could go on all day looong. but i think i made it clear: i love him, deeply
terus yayayaa i have a rival and now i'm learning how to make a move -.-
oh yeah there are 3 songs to describe about him (well not really about him, just to describe how *complicated* the situation is)
1. Fly with Me - Jonas Brothers and Crazier-Taylor Swift (he makes me crizier and i want him to fly with me ♥
2. Vindicated-Dashboard Confessional (i know this song is about a guy who desperately love a girl whose taken by some guy, but DAMN IT LET ME SLIP AWAY)
okay thats all i can tell i'm afraid he'll read it and understand what i'm saying so, BYE <3
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: feeling the love
heey mau kenalin doong wakakak, temen gue yang cantik baik hati dan pastinya tidak sombong bernama MAYISSA ANGGUN PEKERTI. lahir di jakarta tgl 2 Februari 1996, anak kedua dari 3 bersaudaraa, terus kalo mau tau lahir nya di rumah sakit mana atau di bidan mana jangan tanya gue. Anggun ini sangat menyukai lagu-lagu klasik, jadi kalo mau beliin dia cd lagu klasik silahkan aja gak dosa kok.
terus Anggun ini pacarnya banyak loh jadi kalo mau nembak dia HATI-HATI wahaha. dan jangan lupa harus di........ yaah tapi kemungkinan di tolak karena dia telah menemukan tambatan hatinya wakaka. anggun ini orangnya baik, asik, dan bikin ketawa sampe nangis ato pipis.
nah ini loh kesukaannya
makan: baso + lidi
minuman: apakek yang bisa diminum -____-
terus dia sangat terobsesi terhadap penyakit asma dan kalo lagi cengo mukanya itu locc lucu sekalii ♥ ahahaha. punya usaha bikin twitter, dan suka nyuruh gue ngerjain pr les b.inggris nya wakakak. (padahal gue nya yang mau -__-)
kalo mau contact dia search aja friendster nya tapi confirm nya lama maklum mainnya pesbuk, search: Mayissa Anggun Pekerti. terus follow twitternya: http://twitter.com/anggunmayissa
terus itu nih foto nya diatas cantik kan -_____-
haha welewelewel, udah dulu yaaa bye bye <3
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: friends, school life
Saturday, September 5, 2009
saturday i'm in love
heeey A udah pergi kelaut wihihi, i'm in love with another guy:) gausah nanya nanya yaaa xD lalala
he gave me his number today! x)
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: feeling the love, nothing
Monday, August 31, 2009
organizing, planning an event
Okay, so I'm planning a break fasting together with ex-7.5 students. And this makes me learn...
organizing, planning an event isn't easy
yes, I'm expecting 36 people to attend this event (including me) and trust me, this isn't easy. Especially, I'm the one PLANNING the event, I'm one of the committees, and once again---not an easy task. I only have TWO people in the committee (well, technically four, my parents...they're like my counselor... :p). But it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day, I'm the one holding all the responsibilities. Plus, there's something I'm still struggling to deal with : CRITICISM. Yes, there's someone who didn't agree with this idea. Because he thinks this event isn't important. But yes, I'm through.
Second, there's another thing I'm still struggling to deal with: Confusion. No, it's not about the date & place, because I made a few mistakes, and I'm confused between doing the right things versus doing what my friends want. Sometimes I kinda feel, "What am I doing?" "What do they want?" "Am I doing what I supposed to be doing?". I don't know, maybe I wasn't born to be a leader. I can't seem to make a fair decision :(
Anyway, this blog leads to nowhere. Should've stopped it before you get bored and bored. Bye-bye~~
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 6:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Have you ever seen stuffs like these on Facebook/Twitter?
"ahh shit biologi remed"
"ihh wtf banget deh tuh orang"
"wtf lu ah"
"f*** with you" (walah parah)
okay, saying dirty words isn't 100% a bad thing, because most people used the words, casually. Some kids got grounded for swearing, but people nowadays have no problem using dirty words. Tapi banyak remaja-remaja sekarang yang (maaf) gabisa B.Inggris, bisanya nyumpah doang. Apaan tuh B.Inggris dicampur-campur sama b.indonesia, ih alay banget deh. Kalo B.Inggris doang, pasti kalimatnya (maaf) ancur. Kayak:
"Ahh my tooth so sick"
"i'm so boring"
eh bukannya gue sok bisa b.ing ya, tapi gue gasuka aja ngeliat postingan kaya gitu.
maaf ya yang ngerasa tersinggung atas note/blog gue ini. :( gue nulis apa yang gue pikir dan rasain.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
Friday, August 28, 2009
graphic designing
hey guys, right now there's something i'm really into: graphic designing. well, dad installed Adobe Photoshop in my comp, and i'd like to try it, so i looked at tutorial & resources website. then i started making several designed, although i sucked. but I still love writing <3
anyway, when I was in 6th grade going to 7th, I really liked this thing, but since there's a few kinks in my lappy (a.k.a viruses) so I had those programs removed :(
Well you can see example of my designs in my album @ Facebook.
love ya xoxo
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ngabuburit pim with molly~~
heyhey temaan jadi hari ini kan gue nonton&makan di PIM bareng molly. tadinya si eza mau ikut tapi gajadi gitu kan jadinya kita cuma berdua. kita nontonnya jam 14.25, soalnya gue mau pulang dulu. eh jam 2 kurang si molly nelpon bilang udah di pim. yah guenya kaget kan, yaudah buru-buru kesana. terus pas ketemu kita beli tiket. tadinya mau nonton Orphan, tapi taunya mbaknya bilang apa?
"maaf dek buat orang dewasa"
aaah apa banget kaan, nyebelin sekaliiii. terus kita bingung mau nonton apa terus gue bilang "District 9!" yaudah kita langsung nonton kaan, filmnya biasa banget. Mungkin gara-gara gue bilang ke nyokap mau nonton District 9 terus jadi beneran yaa wahahaha. Yaudah abis itu kita ke gramed, gue beli majalah Screen yang ada newmoon nya doooong wehehehe. Abis itu kita ke pim 2, duduk-duduk di skywalk nya sambil cerita (ato gosip?). terus kita jalan-jalan gajelas mau kemana kann, nah pas mau maghrib kita ke foodcourt beli KFC. terus cerita-cerita lagi dan pulangnya naik taksi gue untung nyokap mau bayarin hahaha pokoknya seru deh hari ini hehe
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: friends
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Is it true?
from a quiz result, will you tell me if it's true? because i think it is (:
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:11 AM 0 comments
Prank time. BAM.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Stranger: Hi i'm a horny guy looking for horny female
You: i'm hot
Stranger: female?
You: yeh
Stranger: age?
You: whats yer name?
Stranger: mike
Stranger: age?
You: mau tau aja
Stranger: Hello=)<3
You: hello
Stranger: asl? :)
You: whats yer name?
Stranger: Jessica :) yours?
You: 13 f indonesia
You: nadya
You: greeting from north pole
Stranger: yaaa
Stranger: greeting from paris
You: cool
You: it
Stranger: how are tyou today ?
You: good
You: it's sellygomez
Stranger: ??
You: ah norak lu
Stranger: hi
You: hello. it's bill clinton. Give me money.
Stranger: funny intro
Stranger: lol
You: Will you give me money
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: no i WON't
You: hello. it's Bo. smartest dog in the world
Stranger: hello~
Stranger: where are you from~?
You: white house
You: you?
Stranger: where are you from~?
Stranger: i'm from korea
You: well not really from the white house in DC
You: my house is painted white
Stranger: I don't know
You: whatever.
You: Whats your name
Stranger: jesica
Stranger: zzzzzzzzzz
You: HA! It's the Decepticon
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 7:11 AM 0 comments
hey bloggers, well i have nothing on my mind today so lalala i'll just write about today. today is the first day of school in ramadhan~~sucky i know. i laughed a lot today it's crazy haha. then, when i got home, you know, i just spent the rest of the day tweeting, watching dvd, hibernating aka sleeping lalala~~
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Twitter Quizzes and Polls
today i took some quizzes & polls, and i have some comments on the results:)
Polls: Do you think more celebrities on twitter should talk to their fans?
Answer: Yes
Is it true that Teens Don't Tweet ?
No. i tweet so much!!
yes, i love to tweet :) but as i told you the 8th graders in my school don't tweet, they plurk -__-
"Who's Your Fantasy Boyfriend?" and got: Edward from Twilight!
Thank you! Lol, I prefer Jacob though :) But if Edward asks me to be his girlfriend, I'd definitely say yes!! :D
"Which Harry Potter Girl Are You?" and got: Ginny Weasley!
Yes, I'm shy and sweet, like Ginny :)
"Are you a real Twilight New Moon fan?" and got: Real fan!!
I am a real fan, but the quiz maker isn't. The questions are way too easy. Can't he think of something a little bit more challenging? I'm up to any Twilight challenge. :)
"What do you find most sexy about another person?" voted for "The Whole Package!!"
Yep, like, for me Robert Pattinson is sexy, and it's not only his eyes, lips, hair... it's everything :)
"What couple is cuter?". voted for "Nelena"
Nelena is the real deal :) Sorry, Niley fans, but I think Nelena would make a better couple :) No offense.
"Who is pretty without make-up?" voted for "Taylor Swift"
Google her pic, and you'll know what I'm talking about :)
"what male celebrity likes you?(girls only) " and got: David henrie !
Um... okay. No comment on this one. :)
"Who Are Your Celebrity Sisters?" and got: Mary-Kate and Ashley!
No comment on this one too. I dislike Mary-Kate Olsen. She is not stylish at all, she has a weird and ugly fashion sense, I think.
"How well do you know Selena Gomez?" and got: You kind of know her...!
Yeah, there are some things I don't know about her :p Still love her :)
"What Disney Channel Show Would You Star In?" and got: JONAS!
Aargh! I WOULD LOVE TO MEET JONAS BROTHERS! And I'll do great if I got a part on their show ;)
"How bitchy are you?" and got: your bitch level is 13%!
I'm a really nice person, I'm not bitchy....unless you want me to ;)
"Who should have been Miss Universe 2009?" voted for "Miss Australia"
If Miss Indonesia were on the list, I'd definitely pick her. But I loveee herrr.
"where will you live when you grow up?" and got: a mansion!!
"Do you belong in the Twilight Universe or the Harry Potter Universe?" and got: Twilight Universe!!
I would love to live in both, but Twilight Universe would be tooooooo cool! :)
"What’s Your Perfect Frozen Treat?" and got: Ice Cream!
Audzubillahiminassyaithanirrajiim. Godaan syaitooon. Lagi puasa niih.
"Which Twilight guy is the guy for you?" and got: Jasper Hale!
Jasper is mysteriously sweet, but I think Jacob would be the guy for me. :)
"What Personality Disorder Do You Have?" and got: Bi-Polar!
Um, I don't think I have that, but I think I should learn to always be thankful of what I've got :)
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:51 PM 0 comments
alay haha -__-
halo blogger ku yang kusayaaang, gue belom cerita soal cewek alay yaaa? well not only i dislike her for her alay-ness, but she is sooo much more than that. These are the reasons why I hate her:
1. Norak abisss. Mentang-mentang dia disapa adek kelas, dia cerita. Girang banget kesannya. Eeeew. Disapa bukan berarti dia nge-fans sama lo yaaaa
2. Ngatain temen gue. Masa temen gue dikatain mt! ih padahal itu salahnya dia -__-
3. Nggak nyantai. Misalnya kita beda pendapat soal hal yang sepele, dia ngotot, walaupun nggak pentiing!
4. She treats me like a baby. She thinks that I'm her "little sister". For God sakes, I'm a little sister, but not YOUR little sister. My *real* friends consider me as their TWIN SISTER, but not LITTLE!
we were best friends but now NO! we're ex-bestfriends. she never listens to me anyway! and almost all the people in my class hated her especially the one she calls "MT" (makan teman, backstabber).
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Stranger: pic?
You: cant give you
Stranger: why?
You: err, i dont give my pictures to ppl in internet .
You have disconnected with your conversational partner.
Comments: Dasar pria, maunya ngeliat foto cewek cantik kayak gua :p *(sok)
Stranger: Do you like fruit?
You: Not really, why?
Stranger: I was going to ask if you wanted to see my Banana, but I guess you'll say no :(
Comments: Two words: PUASA BANG!
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: Whats ya name
You: ijah
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Comments: iseng aja pake nama siluman, ehhh taunya dia disconnect hahaha
A little thought running in my head: Pria di Omegle itu aneh bin alay. kalo misalnya cowok ketemu cowok di omegle, pasti langsung di disconnect, takut dibilang gay klo terus ngobrol. Jaah, GR banget! Samething with ladies. When i meet *sexy* (underline sexy) girls, they don't want to talk to girls... they just want to seduce men. Geez... such a whore.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Friday, August 21, 2009
in my last post i promised you to post one of my creations in looklet, so there you go!
oh yeah, here's the link to my looklet account:
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: fashion
oke akhir-akhir ini gue suka banget ye main looklet HAHA, padahal baru bikin kemaren -___- hari ini puasa locc heeem yah gitu doang siih.
well i wanna share one of my creations on looklet. I know, I'm not THAT stylish zzt.
ohya my mom is so gaul hahaha, sekarang punya facebook dan sangat hobi mengganggu jadwal main fb zzzt. pas gue minta ol di hp gamau -.-
okayy i lied. i will post a picture of my creation on looklet on the next post.
maaf gajelas
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
hey people (sok banget kayak ada yang mau baca aja)
gue penasaran deh, kenapa sih anak muda jaman sekarang, kalo buka puasa, tahannnnn nungguin buka puasa di restoran? bukannya nunggu maghribnya, tapi nunggu dapet tempat! emang sih puasa harus sabar, tapi yaaahh... gitu decc. nunggu waiting-list di restoran, sabar nunggu orang ninggalin meja di foodcourt apalagi kalo di pim tuh yaolooooh gadis-gadis cantik pake baju mini ketawa-ketiwi bareng temen-temen, main bb, bukannya gue iri sih tapi yaa you know what i mean lah. kalo puasa beneran deh diajak ke pim pas weekend, although it's fun tapi GAK MAU kalo nggak pesen tempat. bukan cuma nunggu, tapi juga bising, terus dan hal-hal lain lah. but that's not the point.
apa sih makna puasa? Menahan lapar dan haus? Menahan amarah? yep, that's what we do, dan bagian dari puasanya kita mencoba gimana orang ngga mampu diluar sana harus susahpayah cari makan. pas mereka dapet makan, of course, nothing fancy--just a plate of rice and something that's good to eat, also a cup of water. kadang-kadang mereka ga makan sama sekali dalam sehari. sedangkan kita? buka puasa makan-makanan yang mewah dan mahal. bukannya dilarang sih, tapi seenggaknya kurangin lah, nggak harus tiap weekend atau malah tiap hari kalo udah musim liburan sebelum lebaran. mungkin 5 kali dalam sebulan, bareng temen-temen dan keluarga masing-masing 2 kali, dan bareng temen sd/smp 1 kali.
better yet, buka puasa bareng nggak diluar, tetapi di rumah bareng ato malah bareng orang-orang yang nggak mampu.
oh ya, hampir lupa. Kan udah mau puasa, kalo gue ada salah sama lo, maafin yah. jujur, belom siap puasa secara mental. fisik sih bisa, tapi gabisa nahan untuk marah, ngomongin orang nggak penting, dan lainnya. moga-moga gue bisa ngejalaninnya yaaaa (:
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
dear blog. I haven't post something yesterday. total bummer. :p
btw, ramadhan is tomorrow, yaay x) happy fastiiing!
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Difference between Plurk and Twitter
I told you (from my recent tweet) that I feel like I'm the only 8th grader in my school who tweet at least twice a day. The 8th graders in my school is addicted to this thing called : PLURKING. Well, plurking is the same thing as tweeting. You post a short status message. I had a plurk account but I never plurked. Sooo, what makes Plurk so addicting? 1. When you update status/got response to your plurks, you get a point or they call it : karma. You get karma from quality plurking, getting responses to your plurk from other members. Your karma will be lowered if you are inactive for a long period.
2. When you update your status, users can post new messages with optional 'qualifiers', which are one-word verbs used to represent a thought (e.g. "feels", "thinks", "loves", etc.) Plurk also supports group conversations between friends and allows usage of emoticons together with the usual text micro-blogging.
But these are the boo's of Plurk:
1. Plurk doesn't have an API (application programming interface) . Twitter has an API for Blackberry, iPhone, iPod touch, Java phones, and even for your own computer. Such as UberTwitter, TwitterFon, TinyTwitter, TweetDeck, etc.
2. Boring plurks like "PLEASE RESPONSE!" "Feeling good? Response my plurk now!" to higher your karma will only make your plurk, well, boring!
3. The timeline is listed in chronological order which sometimes can be confusing (You can see the screenshot above, courtesy of Wikipedia.org)
4. When you click http://plurk.com through your phone's browser, you will be re-directed to the web version of Plurk, NOT the mobile web. You have to click http://plurk.com/m to access the mobile web. But, when you click http://twitter.com through your phone's browser, you will be redirected to the mobile version of twitter. Better yet, you can sign up through your phone.
So, which one would you choose? (:


Posted by Nadya Trinova at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
for everyone
I'm sorry for my depressing blogposts lately, I just feel SO angry, and the only thing that makes me feel better (at least a little bit) is write it down.
You stabbed my heart, my friend. Congratulations. You're well done.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Okay I know that Ramadhan is only 3 days away, but I can't seem to hold my temper for a little while. I AM ANGRY, MAD AT HER. More than anything. Today we get to apologize to our friends and teachers, and I know she saw me but she didn't apologize, not even say hello!
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hari ini hari kemerdekaan, apa yang kamu lakukan?
Upacara. Kenapa ikut upacara? Bukannya upacara berarti kepanasan, kecapekan berdiri selama kurang lebih 30 menit? Oh, alasannya karena diwajibkan oleh sekolah.
Lomba balap karung. Kenapa ikut lomba balap karung? Bukannya lomba balap karung berarti susah payah melompat dengan memakai sarung yang berupa karung beras/semen, dan harus menanggung malu ditertawakan kalau jatuh? Alasannya, iseng-iseng aja karena teman-teman tetanggamu pada ikutan.
Sebelum kita bahas soal nasionalisme, mari kita telaah apa arti kemerdekaan.
Kemerdekaan berarti keadaan merdeka. Sedangkan merdeka berarti bebas dari tekanan, penjajahan, berdiri sendiri, tidak dihalang-halangi, dan tidak dibatasi.
Selama kurang lebih 3,5 abad kita dijajah oleh bangsa Belanda, dan 3,5 tahun dijajah oleh Jepang. Itu juga belum termasuk penjajahan Portugis, Inggris dan negara lain. Sudah 10.000 tahun kepulauan Indonesia ditemukan (sejak berakhirnya Zaman Es). Sampai hari bersejarah ini, 17 Agustus 1945, hari dimana Indonesia akhirnya bebas dari belenggu penjajah.
Lalu apa gunanya kita ikut lomba dan upacara selama hari kemerdekaan?
Kedua-duanya untuk mengenang jasa para pahlawan yang telah gugur. Mereka memperjuangkan kemerdekaan kita.
Lomba balap karung, misalnya. Karung diibaratkan sebagai senjata bambu runcing yang digunakan untuk melawan penjajah. Bambu runcing sederhana, yang tidak ada bandingnya sama senjata modern yang digunakan oleh penjajah. Menggunakan bambu runcing itu, mereka berjuang. Sama halnya dengan karung. Berkali-kali kita jatuh saat melompat menggunakan karung. Tetapi kita berjuang.
Sama halnya dengan ikut upacara. Malas banget rasanya, berdiri kepanasan dan kecapekan, tapi para pahlawan merasakan hal yang lebih menyiksa dari itu loh. Mereka berdiri, dan ga cuma berdiri, tetapi diserang! Sakit kan? Kalau kita mual/pusing/sakit pas upacara, kita keluar dari barisan upacara dan istirahat. Bukannya salah sih, tetapi nggak bisa dimaafkan banget kalau keluar dari barisan dan istirahat padahal nggak sakit. Jenderal Sudirman aja walaupun sakit tapi masih ikut berjuang!
Kalau kamu?
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
I Heart This Song!
Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in and winding out
The shine of which has caught my eye
And roped me in
So mesmerizing, so hypnotizing
I am captivated
I am Vindicated
I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
I swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself
So clear
Like the diamond in your ring
Cut to mirror your intentions
Oversized and overwhelmed
The shine of which has caught my eye
And rendered me so isoloated, so motivated
I am certain now that
So turn
Up the corners of your lips
Part them and feel my finger tips
Trace the moment, fall forever
Defense is paper thin
Just one touch and I'd be in
Too deep now to ever swim against the current
So let me slip away [3x]
So let me slip against the current
and let me slip away [4x]
Slight hope
It dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption...
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 4:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Friday, August 14, 2009
Heyy you , my followers! Please unfollow me because I want to make this blog private. And for the people I'm following, I'm sorry I have to unfollow you because ONLY MY FRIENDS who can read my blog. Thankyou thankyou (:
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: warm welcome
Honesty is policy!
just be honest with me, you don't want to invite me to your party kan? I KNOW IT, I'M NOT STUPID! You forget about me and invite more popular girls. You said the guest list is looking pretty full, but I know it's just an excuse.
Well, say I accuse you for forgetting me, but well, there's a lot of proof. When we were friends, you weren't that close to the popular girls. Now that you're befriending them, you don't talk to me a lot anymore, not even sharing your secrets.
Eventhough you're the world's most favorite girl and you've got everything now, there's something you've lost: A GOOD FRIEND. If you treat me nicely, I can be the best friend you've ever had. But whatever, it's your loss :)
your so-called friend
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Thursday, August 13, 2009
say no to bullying!
have you ever been bullied?
well i've been bullied when i was in 3rd grade! it was horrible you don't wanna know, not even my friends! the girl who bullied me made my life miserable and when i woke up every morning i don't want to go to school because i don't want to be bullied! and the worst part is the girl who bullied me is not a senior, she graduated primary school with me!
well nobody wants to be bullied! usually this happens senior vs junior, but sometimes a person your age can bully you too. Bullying is almost the same thing as physical abuse/verbal abuse.
If you are bullied : Find out about why they bully you. Have you ever made a mistake which the bullier can't forget? If yes, tell her that you're sorry and you don't want to be bullied. If you think they bully you for no reason at all, it's time for you to get an adult. Who does she think she is?! An abuser who deserves to be in jail and expelled from school?
If you bully someone: The best way to solve a problem is solve it. Talk to the person whom you have problem with, and tell her that you forgive her for any mistakes she had done, and would like to put the problem to an end.
I'm sorry I'm not a really good advice-giver, but hope the advice helps you (:
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: a little advice, what's on my mind
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I don't know why, but...
when i was thinking about "the popular girls" i felt that Facebook kinda lowered my self-confidence and self-esteem, because I've seen pictures of them hanging out and strut their stuffs. I wish I could let go of this feeling, and live my life how it should be.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
facebook has a protection for alayers :ppp
guys, do you realize? Facebook doesn't have an application for "Who's Viewing My Profile" like friendster does. Remember one of the characteristics of an alayer?
1. When an alayer see his "Who's Viewing My Profile" and there's a person who sees his profile without leaving a comment, he'll say "Hey, just viewing? No comments/profile add or anything?"
Well, I think Facebook anti-alayers users should be happy because Facebook prevents the alayers to do one of his alay things. :pppp
If facebook has an application for that, I bet there's gonna be a lot of people who turns into an alay.
P.S: Remember, prevents alay actions isn't the purpose of why Facebook doesn't make the application.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
feelings part. 3
I told you that I feel intimidated by the girl right? Well it's not only the girl that intimidate me, it's also his intelligence! He's very smart, I feel intimidated by that too. Especially we sit around the smart kids (we're chairmates). That's one of the reason I hate math, because we used to be in the same math class together, and he always do his work very well, I felt... I don't know... a bit... jealous. I felt like, I wish I could sit with someone else, but I can't. I always hated math, but sitting with him making it harder. Now that we don't sit in the same math class, I felt a little bit better, but I miss him a lot!
P.S: I don't talk about this to my friends, because there's no way they can understand. They'll make fun of me :'( Oh yeah, this story is DONE now.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 12:16 AM 1 comments
Labels: nothing
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
feelings part. 2
Previously on Feelings [halah gaya lu nad]
well I don't need to tell you about that because you've read it in my last post. Okay, let's continue!
I told you about the girl who likes this boy right? Well, most of my friends teases him whenever the girl is around, and I don't know why... I feel... intimidated. Last week was the girl's birthday and the guy gave the girl a piggybank, and the girl said thank you on Facebook, which obviously anyone can read it, including ME! I felt a little bit irritated, but at the same time confused about why do I feel that way.
God, please help me :'(
You're the best
And yes, I do regret
How could I let myself let you go?
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
I think you should know
Thinking of You-Katy Perry
P.S: This post is not done yet lho, stay tuned -_____-
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
okay i know i didn't do "don't post your feelings" thing, but i really really want to do this.
there's this guy i liked, well i didn't fall for him actually, just like "like" (like when you see a cute boy), which I know I can never be with, and there are several guys whom i like the same way, but I can't seem to fall in love with them.
1.They ain't smart
2.They aren't well-liked by teacher
For the last reason, I have a story for it. When I was in seventh grade, there's a guy, we're best friends. He helps me with math (his best subject & my worst subject), and he treats me like... well.... special. He has a lot of girl best friends, but yeah.... Now that we ended up in different class, we grew apart :(
Well, at first I kinda have a crush on him, but now I just love him like he's my best friend. And there's this girl who likes him, and I have a feeling that he likes the girl too.
And.... [I will continue this story later]
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Friendster -____-
bukannya gue jelek-jelekin yaa, tapi friendster kasian deh, cuma jadi website socialnetworking (jejaring sosial) nomer satu cuma sekitar Asia aja. dulu di US, friendster gabisa ngalahin MySpace. sekarang jamannya Facebook, semua orang jadi ikutan main facebook, termasuk orang Filipina yang merupakan negara yang memiliki paling banyak anggota friendster di Asia Tenggara (indonesia nomer 2). sekarang friendster udah ada chat nya looh gaul kan ck
Soalnya facebook sama myspace tuh ada app nya di blackberry dan hp (myspace/fs ada juga ga sih?) ditambah lagi FB juga bisa tag foto, and as far as I know, friendster belom melayani tag foto.
Friendster ada blog? Facebook ada notes.
Friendster ada bulletin? Facebook ada NOTES! hehe
Friendster ada app? Facebook loh pelopor applications?
Friendster ada alay? Facebook cuma dikiit! Heheh
ayoo ada yang mau nambah?
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
i wish...
my daddy buy himself nexian gx900 blackberry so that he can check his e-mails on the go, and not interrupting me when i'm facebooking twittering blogging or tumblring zzz
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: wishlist
Well today is tuesday well nothing happened today actually, well at least nothing special -___-
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 2:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Monday, August 10, 2009
be careful of what you post!
well that's what i think! Because diary is a place to write all of your secrets, while journal is a place for whatever, and it's NOT a diary. if your journal is a place to vent out your feelings, it's ok but when you post it in a BLOG just remember ANYONE and EVERYONE can see it! even if you write it in a blog where no one can read it but you and people you know and trust, they CAN find it. they can use google or maybe if the person works on Badan intelijen negara (apadeh) and he WANTS to know your secrets without knowing you so well, they can do ANYTHING to find your so-called private blog! BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU POST!
p.s: if you still want to write all of your secrets in your blog, make sure you're ready for the consequences! like, if you write "I love you, J!" they may know who J really is.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:44 AM 1 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
P.S. i love you :')
"Dear Holly, I don’t have much time. I don’t mean literally, I mean you’re out buying ice cream and you’ll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn’t to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It’s to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful… literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you’re sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you’ll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I’m a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I’m just one chapter in yours. There’ll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don’t be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. P.S. I will always love you."
i love this movie, a tear-jerker yet beautiful (:Posted by Nadya Trinova at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: movie reviews
well i'm too lazy to update my blog, i prefer Tumblr because you can post anything there. besides I don't have anything in my mind at the moment, and you'll be bored reading stories about my daily life because well, it's boring -______-
kidding silly. I'll update my blog, every day if I can.
i know what you're thinking.
"apa sih lu nad"
"nape lu"
"kayak banyak aja yang mau baca blog lo"
"tapi gue mau baca, soalnya gue fans berat lo 700 ton"
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Kenapa ya setiap kali orang ngomong "Anak mana lo?" gue ngerasa, kok kesannya kasar ya? Kayak nantang aja. Iya sih, gue ngerti maksudnya nanya sekolah dimana, but I use "Sekolah dimana?" instead of "Anak mana lo?"
ah tau dah lagi pengen ngepost ajaa and just to let you know everytime i have things in my mind i always share it to you, fellow twitterbugs && blogger ahahah
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: what's on my mind
Best Friends!

Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: friends
school = stressing me out
everyone, NEVER EVER ask me anything about math like
"have you done your math homework?"
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: school life
Role Models
For kids.. if you look up to a celebrity, DON'T be surprised if she's changing. Sometimes she's this sweet and good girl and the next day she turned out to be a rebel,sexy girl. I'm not saying its bad but people change. So don't look up to celebrities or shall I say, OBSESSED.
Look what happened to celebrities nowadays, parents of kids whose fans of famous disney celebs dislike the celebrity because they change. Fans turned their backs against the celebs too because they were disappointed with the celeb's behavior. I mean, come on, people! It's not like they signed a paper saying, "I will be a good role model, I will never change." It's good to have role models, but PEOPLE CHANGE!
See what happens to Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff or Vanessa Hudgens. They're ladies, not girls. They can be bad, they're adults they can make their own decision. Besides, it's not like they'll blame you if they drive under influence or do something bad.
So what I'm saying is, DON'T GET ANGRY IF THE PERSON YOU LOOK UP TO, CHANGE. Not only celebrities.
P.S: If your role model is someone you know (e.g. a best friend, your mom) and they get in trouble, help them. If you're not old enough to help them, get someone you know and trust (e.g. your teacher, aunt/uncle) to get a help.
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 2:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: a little advice, what's on my mind
He's Just Not that Into You
One of my favorite romance movies! It's so funny and entertaining.
Jadi filmnya ini diadaptasi dari self-help book dengan judul yang sama, yang ditulis oleh Greg Bendhart dan Liz Tuccillo yang terinspirasi dari Sex and the City.
Ceritanya tentang 9 orang yang memiliki cerita love-life berbeda, but somehow connected to each other. Soal cerita panjangnya gue males :p
Ada Janine & Ben, pasangan yang not-so-happily married, lalu Ben mulai selingkuh dengan Anna, cewek yang ditemuinya saat berbelanja. Ketika Ben mulai dekat dengan Anna, Ben menyadari bahwa ia sebenarnya nggak siap untuk menikah. Pada akhirnya, (SPOILER ALERT!) Janine menceraikan Ben. (soal akibatnya tonton aja sendiri :p) Namun pada akhirnya, everyone's attention is drawn to Beth & Neil, yang akhirnya menikah dan pas lamarannya, bikin jealousss! :D
But my favorite couple is Gigi & Alex, because they have such unpredictable relationship! :D
Gigi yang berniat mencari Conor (teman kencannya) di sebuah club, dengan tidak sengaja bertemu Alex, yang merupakan sahabat Conor. Ia pun mulai memberikan saran soal kencan kepada Gigi. Lama-kelamaan, Gigi menyadari Alex menyukainya, tetapi Alex mengatakan ia sama sekali tidak tertarik kepada Gigi. Then Gigi said...
"I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there so much but at least that means that I still care. Oh! You've think you won because women are expendable to you. You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way but you don't fall in love that way either. You have not won. You're alone. I may do a lot of stupid shit but I'm still a lot closer to love than you are."
Tetapi, Alex mulai memikirkan Gigi, malah sampai tidak bisa konsentrasi pada saat kerja. Suatu malam, Alex mengunjungi apartemen Gigi, minta maaf.
Gigi: [opens the door, thinking it's Bill] Did you forget something?
Alex: Yeah...
Gigi: Really? What did you forget?
Alex: [pulls out a promotional pen from his pocket] This.
Gigi: So you came all the way here at 11 o' clock in the night to give me a promotional pen?
Alex: Yeah... Yeah, I did. I thought I would come up with some really great excuse to get over here. That's how it's done, right?
Gigi: [smiles] Sometimes.
Alex: Look, I can't stop thinking about you. I... It's a problem. I drive by your place; I call and hang up; I've turned into...
Gigi: Me.
Alex: Yeah.
Gigi: A wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what.
Alex: That's true.
Gigi: But when I was hurling my body onto yours, you did not seem to want to make it happen.
Alex: Okay, yeah, here's the thing about that... You were right. I'd gotten so used to keeping myself at a safe distance from all these women and having the power that, that I didn't know what it felt like when I actually fell for one of them... I didn't know.
Gigi: Look, I just went out with your friend Bill. He might be just exactly what I need. No drama, he calls; he does what he says...
Alex: [stepping closer] I can do that stuff too...
Gigi: But you didn't! And that same wise person told me that I'm the rule. That I have to stop thinking that every guy will change, that I have to stop thinking that...
Gigi: [Alex kisses her]
Gigi: ... I'm the exception...
Alex: [whispers] You are *my* exception.
[they kiss again]
Such a sa-weeeeet conversation! Oh ya, pesan moral nya juga bagus lho...
"Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up: if a boy punches you he likes you, never try to trim your own bangs, and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. every movie we see, every story we're told implores us to wait for it: the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. but sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. how to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. and maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. maybe the happy ending is just moving on. or maybe the happy ending is this: knowing after all the unreturned phone calls and broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment... you never gave up hope. " Gigi
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: movie reviews
Hello, my name is Nadya. This isn't exactly my first blog, I've had blogs before but I neglected them because I have nothing to write. I'm from Indonesia, and I'm the world's not-so famous blogger and twitterer :P
Here you will read stuffs about my daily life, what's on my mind, or whatever.
Well, happy reading! xoxo
Posted by Nadya Trinova at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: warm welcome