Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Stranger: Hi i'm a horny guy looking for horny female

You: i'm hot
Stranger: female?
You: yeh
Stranger: age?
You: whats yer name?
Stranger: mike
Stranger: age?
You: mau tau aja

Stranger: Hello=)<3
You: hello
Stranger: asl? :)
You: whats yer name?
Stranger: Jessica :) yours?
You: 13 f indonesia
You: nadya

You: greeting from north pole
Stranger: yaaa
Stranger: greeting from paris
You: cool
You: it
Stranger: how are tyou today ?
You: good
You: it's sellygomez
Stranger: ??
You: ah norak lu

Stranger: hi
You: hello. it's bill clinton. Give me money.
Stranger: funny intro
Stranger: lol
You: Will you give me money
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: no i WON't

You: hello. it's Bo. smartest dog in the world
Stranger: hello~
Stranger: where are you from~?
You: white house
You: you?
Stranger: where are you from~?
Stranger: i'm from korea
You: well not really from the white house in DC
You: my house is painted white
Stranger: I don't know
You: whatever.
You: Whats your name
Stranger: jesica
Stranger: zzzzzzzzzz

Stranger: YO
You: I'm a cheerleaderr I wouldnt be caught dead talking to a nerd xox
Stranger: Did you know nipples can squirt milk to up to 5 meters?
Stranger: OK
Stranger: im a girl too
Stranger: and you know what I think?
Stranger: that there should be a sequel to the holocaust

HA! It's the Decepticon
You: Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Stranger: you r very fun
You: Anyway
You: Asl?
Stranger: f
Stranger: 16
Stranger: korea
You: f 13 indonesia
Stranger: nice to meet you
You: yepp.
Stranger: Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Stranger: Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
Stranger: Click disconnect and your house will be crashed and burned
You: I'm not going to click disconnect unless I really need to go :p
Stranger: bye

You: WATCHOUUUUT! I'm optimus prime
Stranger: hi
You: Wheres sam
Stranger: fuck off optimus
You: whatev
Stranger: sam's not here