Sunday, August 9, 2009

Role Models

For kids.. if you look up to a celebrity, DON'T be surprised if she's changing. Sometimes she's this sweet and good girl and the next day she turned out to be a rebel,sexy girl. I'm not saying its bad but people change. So don't look up to celebrities or shall I say, OBSESSED.

Look what happened to celebrities nowadays, parents of kids whose fans of famous disney celebs dislike the celebrity because they change. Fans turned their backs against the celebs too because they were disappointed with the celeb's behavior. I mean, come on, people! It's not like they signed a paper saying, "I will be a good role model, I will never change." It's good to have role models, but PEOPLE CHANGE!
See what happens to Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff or Vanessa Hudgens. They're ladies, not girls. They can be bad, they're adults they can make their own decision. Besides, it's not like they'll blame you if they drive under influence or do something bad.

So what I'm saying is, DON'T GET ANGRY IF THE PERSON YOU LOOK UP TO, CHANGE. Not only celebrities.

P.S: If your role model is someone you know (e.g. a best friend, your mom) and they get in trouble, help them. If you're not old enough to help them, get someone you know and trust (e.g. your teacher, aunt/uncle) to get a help.