Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Difference between Plurk and Twitter

I told you (from my recent tweet) that I feel like I'm the only 8th grader in my school who tweet at least twice a day. The 8th graders in my school is addicted to this thing called : PLURKING. Well, plurking is the same thing as tweeting. You post a short status message. I had a plurk account but I never plurked. Sooo, what makes Plurk so addicting? 1. When you update status/got response to your plurks, you get a point or they call it : karma. You get karma from quality plurking, getting responses to your plurk from other members. Your karma will be lowered if you are inactive for a long period.
2. When you update your status,
users can post new messages with optional 'qualifiers', which are one-word verbs used to represent a thought (e.g. "feels", "thinks", "loves", etc.) Plurk also supports group conversations between friends and allows usage of emoticons together with the usual text micro-blogging.

But these are the boo's of Plurk:
1. Plurk doesn't have an API (application programming interface) . Twitter has an API for Blackberry, iPhone, iPod touch, Java phones, and even for your own computer. Such as UberTwitter, TwitterFon, TinyTwitter, TweetDeck, etc.
2. Boring plurks like "PLEASE RESPONSE!" "Feeling good? Response my plurk now!" to higher your karma will only make your plurk, well, boring!
3. The timeline is listed in chronological order which sometimes can be confusing (You can see the screenshot above, courtesy of
4. When you click through your phone's browser, you will be re-directed to the web version of Plurk, NOT the mobile web. You have to click to access the mobile web. But, when you click through your phone's browser, you will be redirected to the mobile version of twitter. Better yet, you can sign up through your phone.

So, which one would you choose? (:

Bold Italic